Robert Jeffress
While Jeffress' religious beliefs are not at issue, his views about Jews and Israel are. He has said Jews are going to Hell. Jeffress sees all Jews as Israelis, and that includes those of us who support Israel but are dedicated American citizens. That raises questions about our loyalty, which feeds the growing antipathy towards Jews, especially by white extremists.
John Hagee
Hagee is one of the most forceful voices for Israeli expansion to bring on Armageddon and its rapturous aftermath. He once described Hitler as a “hunter” sent by God to kill Jews who refused to move to Israel.
Rick Wiles
Pastor Rick Wiles is a Florida pastor who heads the TruNews internet news site. Among its segments are those where he expresses his anger at Israel for taking land from Christians. He has insulted Ivanka Trump calling her a “Kabbalah-practicing evil woman whispering evil things in the ear of her father.” So, it is very surprising this “news” organization has White House press credentials! Unlike some other pastors, Wiles has vile attitudes towards Jews and Jewish Israel.