We Need Your Support
Judaism requires democracy to thrive. This can only happen in a democratic, pluralistic society where the rule of law prevails and protects minority groups like the Jewish community from majority oppression. Trump threatens these principles with words and actions that are unmistakably anti-democratic, and therefore un-American.
Do you want your kids and grandchildren to live in a post-truth country where facts do not matter? Everyone, including Trump’s most ardent supporters know that Trump lies with impudence. Now, some very thoughtful people are asking whether these lies make any difference? Can you maintain a democracy based on rule of law if facts and truth have become irrelevant?
Trump presents a clear and present danger to the country and specifically to the Jewish community. We need to put our vote and support behind truth and democracy.
Your support in this critical time will help us reach thousands of Jewish voters in key battleground States ahead of the November election.