John Hagee

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John Hagee runs Christians United for Israel, a large, powerful and generous supporter of Israel. That is good. We want Israel to have many generous and powerful friends. But what caused presidential candidate John McCain to repudiate Hagee’s endorsement?  Perhaps it was his statement that Hitler and six million dead Jews were God’s instrument to facilitate other Jews moving to Israel.  He has described Hitler as a “hunter” sent by God to kill Jews who refused to move to Israel. Hagee is one of the most forceful voices for Israeli expansion to bring on Armageddon and its rapturous aftermath. If you think this is crazy, then you have some homework to do. McCain’s repudiation of Hagee may have cost him the presidency. Think about that. 

Trump embraced Hagee and invited him to be a featured speaker at the dedication of the US Embassy in Jerusalem. And Mark Levin, the conservative pundit said at the Republican Jewish Coalitions rally for Trump that Hagee was his very good friend.  If you think Hagee is a friend of Jews, I encourage you to invite him to your Passover Seder. (But instead of sitting on a cushion, sit on your Kevlar vest; you might find it helpful at some point during the proceedings.)


Robert Jeffress


Mike Pompeo & Mike Pence