Israel Matters
Joe Biden has always been a friend to Israel. A Biden-Harris administration will be staunchly pro-Israel.
All Jews want a strong and safe Israel and peace in the Middle East. We are included in this group! We pray and hope that the new agreements between Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain are strong and enduring and will lead to similar deals with additional Arab states. Biden has praised this development and we should be encouraged by this and Biden’s other views and policies toward Israel and the Middle East. Read more on our Issues page.
Furthermore, the Trump administration’s foreign policy blunders has weakened the United States standing internationally and our country’s ability to protect allies like Israel. Former U.S. ambassador to Israel, Daniel Kurzter writes:
Additional Readings
Joe Biden & Israel
Vice President Joe Biden has consistently made solidarity with Israel, combatting anti-Semitism, and fighting for social justice pillars of his decades-long career in public service. As President, Joe Biden will continue to ensure that the Jewish State, the Jewish people, and Jewish values have the unbreakable support of the United States.
From “Joe Biden and the Jewish Community: A Record and a Plan of Friendship, Support and Action” (official policy statement from the Biden-Harris campaign)
Joe Biden’s consistent support for Israel spans his entire five-decade career in public life, since he was first elected to the Senate in 1972. No candidate for president in either party has ever run with as long and as strong of a pro-Israel record as Joe Biden.
From “The Facts on Joe Biden and Israel” by Jewish Democratic Council of America
Donald Trump & Israel
Is Donald Trump an anti-Semite? No. But that’s not the right question. Has his leadership lifted America? Has it made Jews feel more secure? Is he our best hope for healing our nation and addressing the twin crises of a pandemic and a reckoning with racism?
If anyone needs another reason, look beyond our borders. A stable, credible, influential, revered — and sometimes feared — America has been a force multiplier for world Jewry for decades, often in ways that are most clearly visible to those of us working behind the scenes on behalf of global Jewish causes. Remember freedom for Soviet, Ethiopian, and Syrian Jewry. Here, too, there is no doubt in my mind that Trump’s failings of character and America’s dismal global standing have hurt Jewish interests.
It is true that Trump has made decisions that many in our community have waited for, including his decision on Jerusalem, which I support. But these decisions have come at the cost of Trump’s frontal assault on bipartisan support for Israel, and some have been clothed in deeply offensive stereotypes about Jews and their ties to the Jewish state. Our community has an enormous stake in bipartisanship. It is the only way to combat anti-Semitism and bigotry. It is how we built a strong US-Israel alliance.
From Abraham H. Foxman (director emeritus of the Anti-Defamation League and Holocaust survivor), “Trump is Bad for America and Bad for the Jews” in The Times of Israel