A Jewish Perspective on How Donald Trump Affects Law and Order
The following letter has been drafted by Jews Defending American Values for public distribution. We are deeply concerned about the attacks by the Trump administration on the Constitution and Rule of Law.
It is an undeniable fact that the Trump administration has treated Israel very favorably. But in our view, that does not support giving Mr. Trump “a pass” on what his leadership has brought to America. Especially, if you’re a Jew.
He described torch-wielding Nazis and white supremacists shouting “Jews shall not replace us” as “very fine people.” His “Spiritual Advisory Counsel,” which conducts daily prayer meetings in the White House, does not include a single Jew. His divisive rhetoric and actions have made it dangerous for “others” to live peacefully in America. Let us remember that throughout history, Jews were the “others.” There are many more racists, bigots, white supremacists and anti-Semites in America than there are Jews. And they are clearly important components of Trump’s “base.” He has never once distanced himself from them.
It is evident that Mr. Trump cares little for the truth. He is known far and wide to be a dishonest man. He does not believe in fairness or kindness. In the privacy of his home, or when he’s around people who are blindly loyal to him, he calls Jews “kikes” and “hebes.” He wants to kill off Social Security and Medicare. And worst of all, he has made it clear that he would prefer to rule as an autocrat. And if reelected, he will try to do just that.
History has taught us that when democracies fail, Jews suffer or die.
A surprisingly large number of German Jews believed, despite his anti-Semitic rhetoric, they’d be just fine under Hitler because he was “pro-business.” Look how that turned out.