Roy Cohn


The Ghost of Roy Cohn haunts the country as embodied in his prize pupil, DJT.  For those of us who are old enough to remember Roy Cohn, no further information is required other than to remind you that this man was DJT’s mentor.  Cohn, who has been described as “the personification of evil,” died in 1986 discredited and disbarred.  However, before he died, he taught Trump all his shady tricks and devious methods. It’s no wonder that Trump kept pleading, “Where’s my Roy Cohn” when the Mueller Russia investigation was closing in on him. 

He didn’t find Cohn, but he did find William Barr. This combination is when Trump’s behavior went from bad to worse, despite Lamar Alexander and Susan Collins’ now ludicrous observations that Trump learned his lesson from impeachment.

For those unfamiliar with Roy Cohn we suggest you Google Senator Joseph McCarthy and his hearings.


Stephen Miller